Learning Pathways:
- FET Certificate: Road Transport Supervision
- National Certificate: Wholesale and Retail Operations Supervision
Learning Pathways:
Complete the information section and select the appropriate fields.
Kindly note that OLG does not accept applications from individual enquirers looking to be placed on a learnership, as learnerships must be funded by a company or a direct funder and are not free.
Should you be employed kindly refer your interest in studying for a learnership to your Human Resources or Training Departments.
Please note that prospective learner who do not meet the admission requirement can apply to the Registrar for possible recognition of prior learning.
Need help applying or registering for your course? The OLG team is ready to help. Contact us today.
Open Learning Group is registered with the Department of Higher Education and Training as a private higher education institution under the Higher Education Act, 1997 ‐ Registration Certificate No.: 2009/HE07/005.
Open Learning Group (Pty) Ltd ‐ Reg No. 1997/020392/07 a subsidiary of Kagiso Capital Pty Ltd Reg No 2014/103748/07